Dato foland free gay porn downloads

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He worked for Lucas Entertainment for a while and MEN where people watched him strut his stuff in their thousands.įor MEN, one of the best sites in the world for promoting safe sex, he starred in 19 hardcore movies from September 2013 when he starred in ‘Job Interview’ with Goran, to November 2014 where he fucked the sweet tight ass off of Theo Ford as they stand up and Dato bends Theo over.

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He is five feet eight inches tall, short cropped black hair, the sexiest bright green eyes I have ever seen and he has a seven and a half inch uncut cock which is so thick that it looks like a tin can.Īs well as being one of the sexiest men on the planet, he is also highly intelligent and is a teacher of chemistry and biology and cares very much for the planet. His body is made of pure muscle and as he is versatile, that includes his concrete like ass. Dicks get hard at just the thought of this man who was on our screens for a couple of years. He is an amazing Russian hunk that has that certain sex appeal whether or not he is in a suit, like he was for Men At Play, or completely butt naked. He is what dreams are made of, and he seems to have it all. Dato Foland retired from the porn world in 2014, but no list of porn stars would be complete without him.

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